A bullet hell about stealing souls an getting swole! More on: Twitter
Most of my gamedev progress posts can be found under Abyssal Thistle on Twitter. There’s also a website, dead instagram, and a page up on itch.
A simple c implementation of dynamic arrays, github page
A comprehensive, extensible c logging system. More information can be found on the project’s github page
Pretty much all of my free time recently has been going into Untitled Dungeon Game, frequent progress posting can be found on twitter
A small entity component system, written in c. More information can be found on the project’s github page
A game engine written to utilise cecs. More information can be found on the project’s github page
A prototype strategy RPG game built with C++ and SFML - github
A tool for creating dialog trees and exporting them to JSON - github
A small game built for #RainbowJam2016 with Wrench Games. - itch